Taller Puertorriqueno
Wilderness in Mind
February 8th - April 25th, 2020
January 23rd - February 23rd 2020
List Gallery - Swarthmore College
Tattooed Nature
Delaware Contemporary
Totally Mythological
February 28 - April 25 2020
Totally Mythological is comprised of four paintings. Each one contains what art blogger Libby Rosof considers "tumultuous visions," symbols that create connections between past legends and the present myths, inviting the viewer to consider their own place in the world.
Curator Jorge Gutierrez
Gutierrez serves as an independent consultant and curator for Curatorial Labs in Philadelphia and the Dora Contemporary Art Museum in Doral, FL. A dynamic visual art manager and curator, Gutierrez offers exhibitions that are designed to engage a range of curators, scholars, critics, and diverse audiences, and display a broad historical, cultural, and aesthetic range of arts. His writings have appeared in numerous publications. He is the Founder-director of the Miami Dade College Art Gallery System, the Freedom Tower Museum [MDC Museum of Art & Design] Founder-Director of the Museum of Visual Arts - [Museo de Artes Visuales Alejandro Otero], Venezuela, advisor in museum management for the Organization of American States for the Americas, and, invited curator at MOCA - Miami. Gutierrez developed key exhibitions regarding the Caribbean. Latin American, African American, and contemporary European expression becoming traveling shows to institutions in Colombia, Mexico, Spain, and Canada, and in institutions such as the Bronx Museum of the Arts and the Queens Museum of Art in New York City.